Send for signature with HelloSign
Send secure eSignature requests to employees, customers, and vendors directly from files stored in Dropbox. The Dropbox and HelloSign integration allows you send files for eSignature, or eSign files yourself, without leaving Dropbox. Save time by getting legally binding electronic signatures with only a few clicks. Your signed documents will automatically sync back to Dropbox for easy access.
Connect Dropbox and HelloSign
You’ll be prompted to connect your Dropbox and HelloSign accounts and accept the terms of service when you send for a signature through Dropbox. A free HelloSign account will be created with the email address you use for Dropbox.
The HelloSign eSignature solution is the easiest way to get paperless signatures in Dropbox:
⦿ Request signatures by adding an email address
⦿ Prep your document by including fields that need to be signed, dated, and more
⦿ Choose a folder in your Dropbox account for your signed document to be automatically saved into
Now you can save time by requesting electronic signatures with only a few clicks.